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President Saunders' 观点, Op-Eds and Podcast Interviews

Dr. 玛莎D. Saunders shares her insights as University President through viewpoints, op-eds and podcast interviews.

2021年6月6日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

UWF’s 1,600-acre campus welcomes us every day to immerse ourselves in Florida’s natural beauty. We’ve been designated a Tree Campus Higher Education by the Arbor Day Foundation and our gorgeous camellia garden on campus has been listed on the National Camellia Trail.

February 27, 2021 | Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

Florida has much to offer in the area of higher education. For three consecutive years, the State University System of Florida has earned the No. U排名第一.S. 火博体育 & 世界报道.

February 22, 2021 | University Business

Increased flexibility and better technology allow universities to be more accessible than ever before.

December 26, 2020 | Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

When I look back on this most extraordinary year, I can’t help but marvel at all we achieved at The University of West Florida.

December 17, 2020 | UWF编辑部

是的,先生. Dickens summed it up quite nicely; yet, when I look back on this most extraordinary year, I can’t help but marvel at all we achieved at The University of West Florida.

2020年11月2日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

As college educators step up to our responsibilities for civic learning and engagement in a democracy, I offer the following two-word title for every lesson: Elections Matter!

2020年10月30日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

I am especially proud of the 2020 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine as it marks the third consecutive year and fifth time overall that UWF has earned this prestigious recognition.

2020年10月4日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

There is no question in my mind that the University of West Florida is a great place to work, but it’s reassuring to have it confirmed by my fellow Argos. Once again this year, UWF is on the "Great Colleges to Work For" list, marking our eighth appearance.

September 22, 2020 | The EdUp Experience Podcast

On this episode of The EdUp Experience, Dr. Martha Saunders talks to us about how UWF has handled the higher education year of disruption, and she discusses how her team considered their reopening plan.

2020年8月22日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

We often say that a great community deserves a great university. 这是真的, and the University of West Florida has proven its value to the Pensacola area in myriad ways over the past half-century.

2020年8月1日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

To be sure, there have been plenty of teachable moments over the past few months. Ironically, the coronavirus is the teacher and we are the students. At UWF, we are learning a lot.

2020年5月28日| Pensacola 火博体育 Journal

The University of West Florida’s long history with quality online programming served us well when the COVID-19 pandemic forced a switch from face-to-face classes. Online learning is not new to UWF. We’ve been at it since 1998; and, as early adopters of remote learning, we have learned a lot about excellence in online course delivery.

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